reality, identity and the future
I create video installations that examine the role of technology in our conception of reality, identity, and the FUTURE...
For the last seven years, I have been slowly designing a universe. Over this time I have created a government, a religion, an education system, and an economy, bundling it all under the ambiguous acronym BHBITB. Through distortion and exaggeration I examine these institutions and the methods they employ to define our modern "reality" (specifically affluent western reality). I have developed educational videos, prayers, recreational activities, and products all with a slick surface and a hollow core. A Culture by Ikea. My current research explores the function of ritual by developing practices that incorporate the old with the new. In my project Meditation Station 1.0, I utilize the Unity game engine to create an interactive walking meditation that is based upon the ancient labyrinth found in the tile work of Reims Cathedral in France. Without enemies, points, or clear objective, the “game” can be considered both meditative and repressive – like the mindless, repetitive escape found in computer games like solitaire. The goal of this and other projects is to confuse the viewer, forcing them to interpret meaning - similar to the way ancient cultures are understood through the examination of their artifacts. However, the message is often in the medium - questioning the techniques that are used to inform and influence modern society.